Welcome to the Redux For You and Sue Muldoon Images!
My dedicated Photography website is located at
I am a Photographer, Artist, SeatWeaver, RePurposer, Designer and Social Media Consultant. Yes, that's a lot of "hats" but I love them all!
To receive a quote on a chair repair, send me a QUOTE REQUEST or call 860-394-5470
If you'd like to learn more about SeatWeaving, check out www.seatweaversguild.org
"Where's Sue"
Go to the Schedule at a Glance page to find out!
Fun times!
Watch for Sue on
J Schwankes Life in Bloom
on Create TV July 14, 2024
Find your station here!

Check the schedule page often to see what's new! If you have an idea for a class, contact me.
It will be a mix of in-person and virtual classes.
We are still repairing furniture through seatweaving and do contactless drop-offs and pickups at my home studio.
All of these endeavors are making creative use of different skills I have, including photography, graphic design, videography , web design and video production.
If you are interested in any of these services please contact me.
It's different times, and we need to figure out how to keep things productive, informational, educational and last , but not least...FUN!
Check out my "blooper" reel...the challenges of setting up a studio quickly, on a screened in porch.
Then go over to my schedule at a glance page to see what's coming up next. Teaching, vending, art show...so much to do!
(Don't worry...the finished products were much better)