"Woven Together" A tale of two friends.
Some friendships remain continuous through time and distance. I was excited to work with J Schwanke on his Life in Bloom series! I was in...
"Woven Together" A tale of two friends.
2024 Weaving Adventures
Winter and Spring...plan to weave!
Classes! Shows! Faires! oh my....
Summertime 2022!
What's NEW?!
Welcome 2022!
Fall Classes and Shows!
Summer News 2021
Learn to weave! Seats or baskets!
New classes, studio and interview
Caning and the Covid Carousel
Avoiding the snow...and planning the year.
Winter musings and distant travels...
Alternative Materials and Fall Teaching
Summer is HERE!
Picking a favorite
For the love of chairs....
In any language...
An impromptu filming..