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Fall Classes and Shows!

Writer's picture: Sue MuldoonSue Muldoon

Isn't it nice to read those words...classes and shows? We are returning to "somewhat" normal with caution. I haven't done any shows since... I don't know when. But I caught the backpack and basket weaving bug and they need to go somewhere! Maybe your home? You will be supporting my weaving habit!

I am excited to be participating in a couple of juried shows. Along with doing my chair repairs, I have been weaving non-stop to turn creative ideas into functional, wearable art utilizing reed and mixed media. The artist in me is enjoying working with reed, metal, beads, leather, glazes, stones, paints, and just about anything I can get my hands on.

Traditional? Nooo....Colorful? Textural? Detailed? Yes!

(Thank you Brandy, Dave and Stu for modeling my backpacks)

My kitchen is splattered with dye, but that's ok. I can repaint.

There's reed everywhere, congregating in colorful curls in corners, draping off the back of chairs and on weaving days...piled high on a table. The studio has stations for painting, glazing, sealing, pouring resin, assembling straps and lids. The sewing room has lining material in neat (ok, maybe not so neat) little piles by color.

My first show coming up is Paradise City Arts Festival in Northampton, MA October 9.10 & 11, Saturday - Monday. It's Columbus Day weekend, so if you have that "extra day off" on Monday you can peruse the aisle of artwork at your leisure. A weekend getaway! I spy some leaves turning already and the air is getting crisper each day. Enjoy this inside show with over 220 artists.

You will need your proof of vaccination or Covid test, masks are required, and if you aren't vaccinated, they will have on-site rapid testing available. I'd rather not be writing all this, but you need to know and be safe. There are discount tickets available on their website.

A show of contemporary American crafts and fine art, with a vibrant soul that other exhibitions reach for but never attain. – Boston Magazine

Go to my SCHEDULE Page for more details:

Paradise City Arts Festival: October 9, 10 & 11 Art Show

Backpack Basics, 2 session virtual classes

New England Fiber Festival: November 6 & 7, 2021

In-person classes: Rush, Porch Weave,

Reed Snowflakes

Women's Craft Celebration: November 21, 2021

Art Show

CT Valley Woodworking: December 4 & 5 2021

In-person Classes: Rush, Porch Weave, Hand Cane

A peek of some of the items I'll be bringing....


Sue Muldoon divides her time between 3-dimensional and 2-dimensional work. She bounces back and forth between photography, web design and graphic design to seatweaving (chair caning, wicker repair, rush, splint, etc.) and basket weaving.

Basketry started as an add-on to seat weaving because there was material begging to be used in more than one format.

Sue’s career has always been creative, from wallpaper hanging and interior painting to a lengthy career in the floral industry as designer and merchandiser. Wood carving, furniture refinishing and upcycling furniture in novel ways using unique materials like leather belts, ties and alpaca wool set her apart from traditional seatweaving methods.

Color is rampant and unapologetic.

Where some might see a chair, Sue sees a statement. She spends the majority of her time now repairing seats (an unabashed “chairnerd” and webmaster of The SeatWeavers Guild, Inc) but enjoys branching out into basketry.

She considers her seatweaving work to be part functional and part emotional. Along with repairing chairs, she repairs the memories that are attached to seats that are in demise and disrepair. The joy on a client’s face when they see family history brought back to functionality is inspiring.

Her photography and design work enable her to get the word out about what she does, and her skills in social media are in demand from farmers markets, growers, artists and authors.

Creating special baskets for her most rapt audience, her 9 month old, 5 and 10-year-old grandsons, keeps Sue busy and inspires her to teach them to appreciate nature, natural materials and art.

A frequent instructor at various sheep, wool and fiber festivals, furniture schools art retreats and farmers markets, she enjoys sharing seatweaving and basketmaking to new crafters and artisans. Virtual teaching has become part of her skills out of neccessity and adventure.

You can see Sue’s work at and

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